Tuesday, 20 January 2015

media homework essay - sexuality

The first shot used within the clip is a two shot of two women and with it there is a voice over of tone of the women. She is talking about her feelings towards the other woman therefor it is showing homosexuality within the clip. By doing this it helps the audience sympathise with her. By the clothing they are wearing we can see that the clip is set within the Victorian times and homosexuality was seen as wrong, even illegal, so again this fact also helps the audience to sympathise with her. When we first see the two women together one is holding a dress up to the other immediately showing that they are very close and have a lot of trust within each other.  Whilst the voiceover is still going on we then see one of he women reading and then looking up deep in thought. The fact that the voice over is still going on gives the impression to the audience that the woman constantly thinks about the other. The other woman has clearly one a lot her as she tells the audience during the voiceover, she even tells us that the other woman has brought her fathers books alive for her. 

The following scene happens whilst the voiceover is still going on. The woman is nearly stroking the other whilst laying in bed which again shows homosexuality within the clip. The fact that she doesn’t could be representative of the fact that she knows homosexuality during that time period is seen as wrong. Whilst the voiceover is speaking there is a slow and romantic piece of music playing in the background. Again this could be showing the time period as it is played with the violin which was very popular during the time period of which his clip is set. Also, it could be showing the romance and love which is felt between the two women.

The next scene is of the woman painting the other whilst she is sleeping with a man is watching them. The setting is in a field with the sun shining which in itself is seen as romantic but due to the man being there this view is broken. The woman painting tells the man to wake her in case she burns in the sun showing that she is worried for her wealth fair showing her compassion for her. The man replies with no showing that he does not feel the same way about her. We then see the woman stop painting and she starts to stare at the woman, paint then drops down from her paintbrush showing how distracted she is. The music picks up speed during this scene, sounds mysterious as when the paint is dripping down the man in the scene is starting to guess the relationship between the two women. The music also builds suspense as the audience knows that her being in a same sex relationship during that time period is wrong and the consequences for both the women can be very harsh. The man in the scene also speaks to the woman painting, who the audience now knows is called Mord, it becomes clear that she is painting to as time therefore she will have to spend less time with him before he leaves. Even though he says this to her she carries on painting showing how much she does not want to spend time with him instead she wants to spend it with the woman sleeping. When she realises that he has guessed that they are in a relationship together she gets up as if she is ready to run when he grabs her and puts his hand in front of her mouth.

We then see the mad drag her behind a tree and talks to her in a very aggressive manner. Whilst in conversation he says to her that the woman will laugh at her if she knew her true feelings towards her. She tells him he cant, the audience can see she is panicking because she knows that homosexuality is deemed as wrong.
He then tells her that if she wants to stay where she is then she has to pretend that she loves him by marrying him. The woman who was asleep then calls her name, due to her feelings for her Mord agrees to marry him as insurance that he will not ell anyone about their relationship, this again is another example of how people used to hide their sexuality in order to live their everyday lives.

The last scene of the clip starts of with seeing the woman getting undressed and getting into bed. Mord is then seen in the same bed looking worried as she knows that this can no longer happen due to her getting married and she has to get married otherwise the man will tell people that she is in a homosexual relationship which will be deemed as wrong within her society.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


Ethnicity is show in the clip in many different ways and within many different scenario. The stereotypes both followed and broken whist showing the variation of ethnicity within the scenes. 

The first scene of this clip consists of two men who are black. Although they have the same ethnicity they both have different mannerisms, figures of speech and clothing. The first man we see is wearing a suit. He speaks good English and clearly works there as he is seen to be giving something to someone. This view of him is against the stereotype of people who are of the ethnicity where as the second man who we see has dreadlocks, lots of jewellery on and is topless. he is seen walking out of the pool and therefore makes the audience feel like he is laid back. This, along with the way he speaks, fits the stereotype of this ethnicity. The second man uses words such as 'bro', 'man, 'you know what I mean' and 'blud' yet again this is something that fits with the stereotype of a man of this ethnicity along with the fact that he talks about having a party to meet lots of girls. The other man seems nervous around him and they way he speaks even though the other man seem so confident. I feel this is done to make the audience think that perhaps the the first man is worried that everyone will see him in the stereotypical way because of the fact that he knows the the second man. 

The second seen shows two cleaners who sound east European who later turn out to be strippers for a Chinese tourist. When someone sounds like they come from East Europe many people automatically assume that they have moved to England for a better paid job so the fact that they are cleaners and strippers (to gain more money)  fits into the stereotype of an East European living in England. The man they strip for is a Chinese tourist. The stereotype of a Chinese man away in England for a while is that they are businessmen and therefore wealthy. People think if someone is wealthy, such as a businessman, they are willing to give money for their own gain. 

The next major scene where ethnicity is shown is seen in the kitchen. The first two people shown are both English. They have more power within the work place than anyone else seen in the clip yet. They are wearing very mart clothes which fits the stereotype of English people being good businessmen and leaders. When they enter the kitchen the are greeted by a french cook. The audience know this due to his strong accent and the mannerisms, phrases and words that he uses. In many different forms of media French people are seen as very good cooks but are also shown as the boss within the kitchen. This leads to the next character who is an English cook. They end up fighting over who is in charge as both people are sterotypically demanding and due to this they are fighting to be head chief. They insult each other before the fight brakes out and the french cook uses phrases such as 'get on with your English slop' which could show how the French sterotypically see us within the cooking profession.  

Audiences of films

I do not often go to the cinema. I only go if there is a film I really want to see, I do not just go to the cinema and see what is being shown. This is because of the cost of tickets. Quite often the film on DVD is cheaper than a ticket to see it in a cinema. The reason I go to the cinema instead of waiting for the DVD is because of the big screen, loud volume and also the atmosphere of the cinema during the film. Many cinemas are having to think of new ways to screen a film because of the prices of the tickets to see the film compared to the cost of a DVD. Ways of seeing a film now includes 3D and iMAX. Tickets cost more but because they are exclusive to the cinema experience people are willing to pay. I sometimes go and see a film in 3D but it always depends on the price of the ticket. I go to the cinema with my friends as it is to expensive to go with family. Although there are offers for families there is not normally change out of £50 for a family of 4. With friends we all pay for our own ticket so the cost is less individually. Cinemas get most of their profit from food sold in stead of the tickets. When I go to the cinema the only thing I buy from them is popcorn as a way of trying to reduce the cost for me. Cinemas are also trying to get more people to come by introducing special offers, for example, Orange Wednesdays. This is exclusively for people who use the phone network Orange and allows them to get cut price cinema tickets on Wednesdays. This helps both the cinema and phone network gain more customers and therefore more profit.

Less people are going to the cinema even with their efforts because there are more ways to watch films. An example of this is websites such as Nexflix. People can now stream films from websites in the comfort of their own home and for much less money. Even websites such as these face problems like the illegal downloading of films. This allows people to watch films for free and has a huge negative affect on companies such as cinemas, production companies and the box office as they are losing money for the film even though people are still watching it. Many things have been put in place to try and stop this from going on but they have not been as successful as they had hoped. For example, they have made people more aware of the fact that downloading a film for free is illegal by adverts but people are not taking notice. I think as way to help stop this would be to lower the price to watch a film in the cinema as people who think the only way to way a film with their budget is to download or watch it illegally will be able to watch the film without breaking the law. Other ways people watch films which is illegal includes buying them off people who have filmed the film from the cinema screen. Patrols have been put in place to try and stop this.

DVD’s also have to keep up with the ever changing world of technology. In order to make the market for them more stable, better quality versions of DVD’s have been made. Blu-ray disks may be a little more expensive and so might the players needed to play them, they have so much more to offer the audience. I personally don’t own a Bul-ray player although my brother does on a game console. Due to me not watching many DVD’s I don’t see a point in spending more money on something I would not use much.

Films are still shown on TV like they always have on channels such as Film 4. Catch up TV has become ever more popular meaning that films on TV has as well as people know that if they do miss the film then they can watch it online for a limited number of days. This makes films on TV more popular even though many people are put off due to the fact that they have to be around the TV at that time to watch it, you cant pause it and there are adverts during the film.

The way films have been marketed over the years has also changed. For example posters and adverts on T V were often used, now websites such as YouTube and social network sites such as Facebook and twitter are also used as a advertising platform. This means that the amount and variation of people who will get to see that advertisement will increase and therefore so will the amount of people who see the film. This transcribes to more profit for the people and companies behind the film such as production companies.